Friday, September 14, 2012

Cons of tracking Devices

Federal officials trying order cell phone companies to furnish real-time tracking devices in cell phones so officials can pinpoint fugitives and suspects. There are many pros and cons to putting tracking devices in everyone cell phone to just track certain people who has disobeyed the law. There are many cons to this device, some are more violating than others, and one of the most violating ones is putting tracking devices in everyone’s cell phone.   I understand the federal officials want to catch fugitive and suspects but I do not believe in them having a tracking device in everyone’s phone and violating the wrong person’s privacy to track that person who has disobeyed the law. The other thing that comes to mind is the hackers who could possibly hack into these devises and stalk certain people. That which could lead to numerous crimes such as kidnapping, stalking which they are trying to prevent or stop the crime that is already happening while they are using these tracking devices, therefore my next con that I think can be a big problem is some federal officials may misuse this device data. I understand what the federal officials are trying to do to make our country a safer place for us to live in, but just know someone can hack my phone to hear my personal calls and know where I am at any time they want to give me a feeling I am always being watch and someone will know my every move I make. Federal officials should invest in a device that does not have to be to be used in cellular devices. The world technology is so many advances these days to find a device to make this possibly. The federal already have some in place like DNA tracking and the house arrest ankle bracelets they give to people who have disobeyed the law. Tracking devices are not a bad idea; they just have a lot of reason that will violate a person private conversations and text that have nothing to do with their investigation. The pro is that is yes they will find some or most fugitive or suspects they are looking for with this tracking device imbedded in cell phones, but risking the privacy of other to make one bust is a big risk, and will call a lot of disliking them being track. Knowing how people hack in everything theses days and are up to the news technology may be easily hacked and will cause people to be even worried about who is following or even worst their teenage children. Stalking has become big in the crime world of today, therefore, giving the stalker to know where someone every move and where they are anytime is really making their job easy with it comes to kidnapping and or stalking them. I see the good of this device I am just hoping if the device do get install that they take the right measure that it is secured only for the federal official and that all.


  1. I concur with your opening statement that cell phone tracking devices are used by Federal Officials to locate and capture fugitives and future suspects. I disagree however with the fact that you believe more negatives come from cell phone tracking than positives. I do not believe that Federal Officials "stalk" and will "hack" into the personal lives of innocent bystanders. Federal Officials have too much time and effort invested in the safety of the people and the public to concern themselves with every text message and phone call made to non involved parties. The cell phone tracking devices are a technological advancement used to protect the public, not as a tool to invade personal privacy. The government is not trying to make the public feel as though they are "being watched at all times," but to make them feel protected and to instill faith in them about the government's ability to protect them. I feel as though if people in a position of power were discovered misusing the tracking device technology, the Federal Officials would see to it that those individuals are reprimanded and fired. We should embrace this technology and use it for the good in which it was created for.

  2. I think when your dealing with something like cell phone GPS tracking it's always difficult to determine the balance between safety and privacy. I feel as if cell phone tracking is something that if used correctly could be a very helpful law enforcement tool. Instead of debating whether or not it should be used at all I think we should focus more on regulation. You made a good point about hackers, presently most law enforcement gets their data released from the third party providers themselves. With the level of computer savvy people existing I'm sure this information could be hacked. In addition, you don't even need a warrant to acquire certain cell phone data, just probably cause. As technology moves forward we should make sure our laws do so as well, otherwise law enforcement could begin to readily infringe on our rights. Your article does a good job showing both the pro's and con's of utilizing tracking which in my mind further illustrates that this subject is not black and white. However, before any more steps forward are taken, new regulations desperately need to be implemented.
